Bounce Workshops:building resilience in people and businesses
Consisting of a range of interactive, engaging elements interspersed with group discussions and individual work, Bounce! prides itself on providing practical solutions for individuals and communities by encouraging ownership of personal and professional wellbeing and resilience.
Exploration of what wellbeing means to an individual, and providing support and guidance in the development of a personal development plan.
Encouraging making small, achievable changes to their day to day lives and outlook on life all supports personal development.
Bounce! is completely flexible and bespoke. Each workshop is tailored to the recipient group. We have delivered to groups from disadvantaged backgrounds, looked after children, businesses and those for whom English is not their first language. Whatever requirements the group has, Bounce! can adapt and meet those requirements effectively.
For example;
Bounce for Business
Organisations often go through challenging times such as company wide restructuring or a period of change. Bounce for Business workshops can provide the skills and resilience your employees need to see them through the process.
Bounce for Business can play a vital role in building resiliency and developing an effective change management strategy.
You will look at ways in which to deal with stress more effectively by building personal resilience to manage one’s wellbeing.
We will work closely with you. We ensure the workshop content provides your staff with the exact support and skills development they require.
Bounce in Schools
We know that being a young person is tough. Navigating your way through school. Making huge decisions about your future. Dealing with relationships with friends and family and sitting exams.All of these things can contribute to making childhood a stressful time!
Bounce! ‘ed’ will equip your students with the skills and understanding of how to deal with these stressors more effectively. As a result improving their health and wellbeing.