Children & Young people
The health and well-being of children and young people has been a particular focus for Enable East over the last seven years.
Some of our work within the children and young people sector has included:
Healthy Child Programme: Enable East helped to improve health services for young people in the East of England through the Healthy Child Programme, an initiative which aimed to produce a framework of universal and progressive services which promoted the optimal health and well-being of 5 to 19-year-olds.
Looked After Children: Looked after children in the East of England had the chance to share their views about the care they have received, in a project which aimed to improve services in the future.
New Beginnings: Our New Beginnings training programme was designed to provide a practical introduction to emotional well-being and mental health specifically for anyone working with early years, primary school or secondary school aged children.
CAMHS Service Review: Enable East was commissioned by an NHS Foundation Trust to review its Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). The project evaluated the current arrangements to ensure that safe, effective and high quality clinical services were being delivered. It was important to ensure that these were well integrated with partner organisations and delivered in line with Trust policies and commissioner intentions.
Changing the Outlook: As part of our Well-being in the East portfolio, we ran the Changing the Outlook programme, aimed to deliver skills development opportunities to young people, carers and residential workers in healthy eating, exercise and mental well-being. By enabling a more proactive approach in looking after their own health, we hoped to empower young people to better care for themselves in the future and for their families and carers to have the confidence to continue the new skills and resources they had learnt.
The programme consisted of a range of projects, from an allotment project promoting the growing and cooking of healthy foods, to a residential stay at an outward bound centre to encourage working together to improve relationships and communication.