Keeping positive in a tricky job market
With unemployment figures set to rise further in the coming months, it is understandable that some of our participants are feeling apprehensive about entering the competitive job market. Some have stated that they feel deflated at not hearing back from applications or from being unsuccessful at interview.
So how can we go about helping participants?
We understand the importance of not only helping our participants build confidence but also to build on their resilience. As they progress through the project, they challenge themselves by undertaking employment related tasks often things they’ve not done for years or ever! With our support we offer participants practical tasks that they can undertake to “dust themselves off and try again”.
Here are some of the recent top tips our Peer Support Workers are discussing with their participants to help them keep positive and motivated;
• Remember that the current job market is extremely competitive and therefore to get to an interview is a huge achievement
• Make every application count! Spend time on it and double and triple check you are happy with it
• Get someone to proof read your application – is it fluid and articulate? Does it represent your skillset and the job specification?
• Don’t just apply for any job, make sure your skills reflect what’s being asked for
• Ask the employer for interview feedback: knowing why you were unsuccessful helps you to prepare for the next interview.
• Talk through the interview with the someone, talk about how it made you feel, how you felt it went, did you identify any particularly difficult questions that you can practice? We can
learn so much through an interview!
• Ensure that you tailor every CV specifically to the job that you are applying for – we know it takes time to get your application and CV completed, but a well thought out CV evidences
your commitment to the role from the get go!
• Resilience is key- if you are not successful try try and try again.
Our PSW’s have some wonderful tips and resources to support your journey back to work.