Public health & Well-being
Programmes that focus on improving the health and well-being of individuals has been a large part of Enable East’s core work over the last seven years. We have used our expertise to deliver Big Lottery Funded well-being programmes totalling £6.6 million and developed other bespoke training programmes designed to allow people to take control of their own well-being and resilience.
Our current Big Lottery Funded programme is HeadsUp which supports people with common mental health problems such as depression or anxiety return to the workplace after a period of long-term unemployment. You can find out more about HeadsUp here.
Other work we have carried out in public health and well-being includes:
Big Lottery Funded Well-being Portfolios: Enable East has been privileged to deliver two Big Lottery Fund well-being portfolios; one from 2007–2011 and a second from 2013-2015. Our first portfolio featured 25 projects delivered by the public, private and voluntary sectors through one-to-one sessions, group meetings, workshops, community events and courses. In particular, projects were aimed at adults in the workplace, families, older people, those at risk of exclusion and those with mental health issues.
Extraordinary People: Enable East’s Extraordinary People programme aimed to dispel the myths surrounding obesity and challenge the universal message that losing weight is a simple matter of ‘eating less and exercising more’. The programme was targeted at people who had experienced significant weight gain, and those who were facing the challenge of maintaining significant weight loss.
The East of England Well-being Show & Streetwise As part of Well-being in the East, Enable East held two regional well-being events. The first was the East of England Well-being Show at Rowley Mile Racecourse in Newmarket in June 2014. It hosted a market place of stalls held by organisations and companies specialising in ways in which to improve well-being, along with a varied programme of talks and demonstrations on subjects such as mindfulness, Tai Chi, healthy eating during menopause and children’s mental health.
Bounce! Building Resilient Families: Embracing our individuality and regaining control of our personal well-being was the ethos behind our Bounce! well-being programme, which delivered workshops to over 14,000 people as part of our Well-being in the East portfolio. Bounce! encourages participants to explore what well-being means to them personally, and helps them to develop a personalised plan of action to improve their well-being and resilience. Bounce! focuses on the key message that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to improving well-being. Find out about more about booking a Bounce! workshop here.
iCare Colchester: iCare Colchester helped promote individuals’ well-being by helping them to think about what well-being means to them and how they might improve it. It also promoted well-being at a community level by highlighting what Colchester as a community can do to help itself and others. A series of large mosaic boards were created and displayed at various locations around the Colchester area, inviting people to make a pledge about how they would improve their well-being.