HeadsUp News and Resources

Created on 6 November 2018
New Directory of Work Experience and Employment Opportunities...
We're really pleased with our new resource for participants and Peer Support Workers. Participants can access real working experience helping to ensure they are best placed to get back into the work p...

Created on 24 April 2018
New HeadsUp display posters available!...
HeadsUp posters are available to display in any location where potential participants may visit. This could be in community centres, doctor’s surgeries, clubs, village halls – pretty much anywhere tha...

Created on 24 April 2018
Advice from Essex Employers is invaluable to the HeadsUp programme...
We have produced a new leaflet explaining how businesses and organisations can get involved and the benefits to them for doing so. Email HeadsUp to find out more headsup@enableeast.org.uk...