Celebrating the impact of HeadsUp Employment Support

“Thank you for the amazing work you’ve been doing, it’s clear you have made a big impact”
HeadsUp loves the opportunity to scream and shout about the great work we do and the amazing people we support. We did just that at the Suffolk and North East Essex ICS ‘Can Do Health and Care’ Expo2022 last week where we got to speak to lots of different services about what we do here at HeadsUp.
We had a lot of interest from services wanting to work with us, learn from us and thank us – which was amazing! Although we don’t do it for the thanks, it was lovely that services could see the great work we do through our participant quotes, wellbeing data graphs and videos.
Some of the services we got the chance to chat to were Colchester Borough Council Digital Inclusion Team, Open Road, Care Development East, Citizens Advice, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, YMCA, NHS teams and many, many more!
You may see us out and about at events in the future and if so feel welcome to come and say hello to our friendly members of staff who are happy to take the time to chat to you about everything HeadsUp.