Created on 29 June 2020

Accessing Technology Funding

As  project we pride ourselves of providing practical and wellbeing support for our participants, all of whom have had mental health challenges during their lifetime, but still really want to job search and find work or training. But alongside skills and personal wellbeing  you also need access to some kind of technology to take full advantage of the websites and information available to help with the job search process, and actually, most job applications are now solely on line.

So if you don’t have a laptop or smart phone, and of course in recent months we haven’t been able to visit libraries and suchlike where you can often use tech, what are you to do?

One of our Peer Support Workers (PSW) has supported two of her participants to access technology funding in order to help them with their search. One of the participants was able to secure funding from her local Job Centre Plus  for a smartphone enabling them to job search from home whilst the libraries are closed. Another participant was able to get funding for a laptop so that they can work towards a mental health nursing qualification at home.

Our fantastic team are great at taking a challenge and helping to find a solution and this scenario is no different as both participants would not have been able to progress had our Development and Skills Officer not sourced the government funding, and the PSW supported the participant in successfully applying.

Great outcomes for the team and our participants, especially under such challenging circumstances!

If you have your own Job Coach at a JCP then have a chat to them about how the Flexible Support Fund can help them overcome a substantial barrier to employment.


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