Its Ok Not To Be Ok
This blog was actually written by one of the HeadsUp partners before the recent changes that the Corona Virus has brought to all our lives, but never has it been more relevant …
There is importance in accepting that we each have a vulnerable side which we can often associate with personal weakness. Vulnerability is not a weakness; in fact it shows immense bravery to face the fears that make us vulnerable in the first place, knowing that we are likely to experience adverse effects from doing so. Being compassionate to ourselves can be about the personal acceptance that sometimes we are not able to give 100% to the day, perhaps not even 50% and that is ok. It is important to give ourselves permission to not feel ok and this can often reduce the fear of vulnerability and judgement, empowering us to move forward and try to tackle another day with a fresh outlook.
The Peer Support Workers having this discussion during a team meeting really felt that being able to adopt this approach themselves meant that they are more able to utilise their understanding to deliver a truly empathetic approach to supporting their HeadsUp participants.