Created on 18 December 2018

Great news for HeadsUp at Signpost Greenstead

The last few weeks have seen some great successes at Signpost Greenstead. Our HeadsUp Peer Support Worker based at this location has spent a lot of time helping participants feel confident to take that step into work or training and there have been some fantastic results.

One participant has successfully completed an online training course resulting in a Level 2 Food Safety qualification, this means that a whole area of work will be available to him when he feels ready. This was an excellent achievement as he has learning difficulties and struggles using a computer, but with some support and patience he passed with flying colours.

Two further participants have achieved a Level 2 Customer Service qualification and another has started a Level 1 European Computer Driving License course (intro to computing) at Adult Community Learning, which will put them all in a far stronger position when applying for jobs in the future.

A final celebration of recent weeks is our participant who has started working at Stansted Airport as a cargo distributor for FedEx. Such a positive step and such an amazing achievement all made possible due to the support from the PSW and the efforts made by the participant themselves, this really should be applauded!

Contact the HeadsUp team to find out more



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